Inntopia + Moneris
The Inntopia + Moneris integration connects Inntopia’s existing credit payment processing functionality with the Moneris eSELECT PLUS API using the Merchant Integration Guide.Net API v.1.1.3 specification.
- Inntopia sends the Inntopia Itinerary Id in the Customer Id field of the credit card transaction. This allows the partner to easily find the Inntopia Itinerary Id within Moneris.
- The order Id in Moneris must be unique. Inntopia uses a globally unique identifier (GUID) to ensure uniqueness.
- Moneris does not prevent transactions that are for the same amount as a transaction occurring within the previous four hours. Inntopia offers this feature and will enable it for this integration at the partner's request.
Note: Credit Card Authorization Service Cutoff Time: Credit card transactions are recorded as of the local date and time for all CRS users. Change the time specified as the daily batch cutoff with your credit card authorization service.

The following transaction types and features, as defined in the eSELECT specification, are supported in the integration:
- Purchase (basic)
- Void
- Refund
- To refund a transaction that occurred 18 months or more in the past, contact Moneris directly.
- Address Verification Services (AVS) 4
- Card Validation Digits (CVD) or Card Verification Value (CVV)
- The partner must request that the eFraud feature be added to their Moneris profile.
- Multi-Currency Pricing

The following transaction types are not supported in the integration:
- Independent Refund – allows a refund on a card without a correlated charge.
- Pre-Authorization – authorizes the card for a subsequent capture transaction.
- Pre-Authorization Completion (Capture) – charges the card in a separate step.
The following features are not supported in the integration:
- Batch Close (eSELECT will close all batches at a time configured by the partner within eSELECT).

Inntopia supports a separate version of the Moneris gateway integration that includes tokenization for Canadian transactions. Inntopia has modified the current Moneris gateway to be compatible with Canadian-specific APIs.
Partners using tokenized version of Moneris integration must set up all parent/child accounts to use the tokenized gateway.
Note: The integration will not expose a detokenized credit card number in the supplier extranet for suppliers using the Supplier Collects business model.

To comply with a Canadian VISA© regulation requiring merchants to collect the Card Verification Digits (CVD) or Card Verification Value (CVV) code from customers for online credit card transactions, resellers who use the Moneris payment gateway can submit an Innteract request to Inntopia to activate fields for collecting and viewing this code in their CRS, eComm, and RMS systems.
Note: Partners should review the CVD/CVV options in their Moneris account prior to activating this feature in Inntopia to ensure they are collecting/validating CVD/CVV in all scenarios that will give the partner and the guest the best experience.
To learn more about enabling this feature for your Inntopia account, contact Inntopia Partner Services.

Address Verification Service (AVS) is a part of credit card authorization that aids in preventing fraudulent online transactions by verifying the billing address submitted by a customer with the billing address on file with the credit card company. Once submitted, the credit card company replies to the payment gateway with a response code indicating whether or not the billing address, and subsequently card ownership, is verified as a match.
You can request that Inntopia turn Address Verification Service (AVS) for your Inntopia/Moneris payment gateway integration for purchase (charge) transactions on or off at any time. (AVS is not used in credit or void transactions with Moneris.)
- When AVS is turned on, be aware that the System performs a $1 pre-authorization (pre-auth) on the credit card during the AVS check. The amount of $1 is a recommendation per Moneris.
- When AVS is turned off, Inntopia also turns off the pre-auth function because it becomes irrelevant.

The following credit card types are supported for AVS in the Inntopia/Moneris integration:
- American Express (AX)
- MasterCard (MC)
- Discover (DS)

For resellers that have AVS activated for purchase (charge) transactions, two main pre-authorization steps take place in both Moneris and Inntopia. Moneris pre-authorization verifies both the billing address and credit card type. Inntopia pre-authorization examines the Result Code returned from Moneris to determine whether or not to successfully complete the transaction.

Upon initiating a credit card purchase:
- Inntopia submits the following pieces of information to Moneris for pre-authorization:
- Billing street name
- Billing street number
- Billing postal code
- Card Type
- Moneris reviews the submitted information and, if the card type is supported, returns an AVS Result Code to Inntopia.

Code | Description | |
1 | A | Street addresses match. The street addressed match but the postal/ZIP codes do not, or the request does not include the postal/ZIP code. |
2 | B | Street addresses match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.) |
3 | C* | Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats. (Acquirer sent both street address and postal code.) |
4 | D | Street addresses and postal codes match. |
5 | G | Address information not verified for international transaction. |
6 | I* | Address information not verified. |
7 | M | Street address and postal code match. |
8 | N* | No match. Acquirer sent postal/ZIP code only, or street address only, or both postal code and street address. |
9 | P | Postal code match. Acquirer sent both postal code and street address, but street address not verified due to incompatible formats. |
10 | R | Retry: System unavailable or timed out. Issuer ordinarily performs its own AVS but was unavailable. Available for U.S. issuers only. |
11 | S | AVS not supported at this time. |
12 | T | Nine-digit ZIP code matches. Address does not match. |
13 | U | Address not verified for domestic transaction. Credit card company tried to perform check on issuer's behalf but no AVS information was available to record. |
14 | W | No data from issuer/authorization system. |
15 | X | All digits match, nine-digit ZIP code. |
16 | Y | Street address and postal code match. |
17 | Z | Postal/ZIP code matches; street address does not match, or street address not included in request. |
* AVS fails in Inntopia when a C, I, or N Result Code is returned by Moneris.

Upon receiving the Result Code returned by Moneris:
- Inntopia reviews the Result Code and makes a determination based on the following rules:
- If the card type is not supported, an empty/null Result Code is returned and the Inntopia pre-authorization fails.
- If the card type is supported but the Result Code is one that Moneris does NOT allow as a successful charge (C, I, or N), the pre-authorization fails and Inntopia does not submit the subsequent transaction to Moneris for processing.
- If the card type is supported and the Result Code is one that Moneris allows as a successful charge, the pre-authorization succeeds. Inntopia then submits the subsequent transaction to Moneris for processing.

- AVS fails in Inntopia when a C, I, or N Result Code is returned by Moneris.
- Pre-authorization can fail for reasons other than AVS failure such as an error code greater than 50 being returned from Moneris.
- For resellers using the Moneris payment gateway without activating AVS, the purchase (charge) transaction is submitted to Moneris without any pre-authorization.
- The Inntopia/Moneris integration does NOT support customizing Moneris AVS Result Codes for allowing or rejecting transactions for individual resellers. All transactions are pre-authorized based the Moneris AVS Result Codes.

To have AVS activated for your sales channel, contact Inntopia Partner Services.

The partner must set up the configuration items within Moneris correctly (e.g. cutoff time).
- Inntopia partner establishes a contract with Moneris.
- Partner must reference the following code upon implementation with their Moneris representative:
- Inntopia obtains technical contact from Moneris via the partner.
- Partner/Moneris securely provides the following information to Inntopia:
- Store ID (store number)
- API Token (transaction key)
- Username (i.e. login ID; not required)
- Password (not required)
- Merchant ID
- Host ID ( – this is the production Moneris web service and is the same for all clients)
- Address Verification Services (AVS) – turn on or off
- For setting up the tokenization-compatible version, new or existing eSelectPlus users must ask Moneris and Inntopia to add the Tokenization (Vault) to their account
- Inntopia sets up the integration using the information provided by partner/Moneris in Step 3.
- Testing:
- Test all Credit Card types applied.
- Test a charge.
- Test a refund.
- Inntopia secures approval from the partner and goes live with the integration.
Note: If you are not a new CRS client and want to switch from an existing payment gateway to Moneris, Inntopia would first set up credit card processing in their development server to test.
This code is used by Moneris to identify Inntopia partners and is not recorded or used on the Inntopia side.

- Web:
- Merchant Direct Help Desk: 1-866-319-7450